
    Student Achiever

    Title Class Session (Start) Session (End) Achievement / Remarks
    NATURAL WATER PURIFIERI20242024One more creator of the Vidyalaya, Laxmi Sharma, led the beacon further by presenting her innovation ' NATURAL WATER PURIFIER' in SCIENCE EXHIBITION which was held at Regional level. She made the purifier using natural ingredients like coal, cotton, sand, stone, bamboo sticks etc which can make the water purifiers accessible to every household in our country. Honrable idea won her applauses from every quarter.
    BIKE WITH SMART FEATURESI20192019A Vidyalaya is known by the young achievers it has produced. Kendriya Vidyalaya Chourai holds the privilege of guiding and mentoring the learners who bring laurels for the vidyalaya. KeshavSharma, one of the students of the schools participated in INSPIRE AWARDS and showcased his scientific temper with his innovation. His innovation ‘BIKE WITH SMART FEATURES’ won him severalaccolades. His idea of a smart bike which focuses primarily on safety and security of the rider while maintaining temperature the vehicle at the same time, enthralled everyone. He won a cash prize of Rs 10000 in the competition.